Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Happy 235th Birthday

A customer came in this morning. He's one of our regulars. He asked "How do I look at 235?" I told him there is no way he weighed in at 235lbs.

He reminded me today is the 235th birthday of the United States Marine Corps. I was embarrassed I didn't remember.

I shook his hand and thanked him for his service.

Without him and the other men and women like him, I would not have the freedoms I currently have, including bringing you this small, insignificant blog.

To John and Skip and the millions of others who have served in the USMC, Happy Birthday and Semper Fi!


  1. David, and anyone else, posted a "235th Birthday video" at , courtesy of a former Marine.

  2. Voice-over done by Fred Thompson, if I'm not mistaken.

    Thank you for posting it. I've thanked Veterans all day today.

  3. Hey, did you read the post about making everyday Veterans Day?
